Yoga Basics

  • Yoga is a vast collection of spiritual techniques and practices aimed at integrating mind, body and spirit to achieve a state of enlightenment or oneness with the universe.
  • What is normally thought of as “yoga” in the West is really Hatha Yoga, one of the many paths of yoga.
  • The different paths of yoga emphasize different approaches and techniques, but ultimately lead to the same goal of unification and enlightenment.
  • As Yoga is a gradual process I have designed the classes in such a way that you would learn it in a gradual progression and with in these 8 classes you would be introduced to different Asanas(Yoga poses), Breathing Techniques, Relaxation , part of Meditation and taste of Philosophy.


Month Week Class Level Time Cost
Jan 10th - Feb 28th Sun Basic Yoga 8 week Series Beginners Level 9.30 - 10.30 AM(PST) $160 USD



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